Other Isle of Wight dance sides

There are several other Morris and folk-dance sides on the Isle of Wight

There are three ladies sides: The Oyster Girls and The Wight Bells both perform dances in the north-west tradition, while The Island Cloggies perform clog dances mainly from the north-east.

Many of the Men of Wight are married or otherwise related to members of these three sides.

Mr Baker's Dozen is a mixed side who perform a variety of old-English dances, both ceremonial and social (e.g. Maypole, Playford, etc). Most of the male half of Mr Baker's Dozen are also Men of Wight (from which you will have deduced that most of the female half are members of one or other of the ladies sides!).

The newest Island sides are also mixed, with several of the dancers and musicians also performing with the other sides above. There are Bloodstone Border and Moonshine Border, both of whom perform in the Welsh-borders tradition, including blacked-up faces; Guith Carnival Morris, who dance a mixture of Cotswold and Border, and Whitgar Morris who dance mainly Cotswold as a mix side.

See the Links page for details of all these sides' web sites.

