
Tunes by Mike Howley

Mike Howley was one of our founder members, and was a highly accomplished accordion player. He is sadly no longer with us, but his memory lives on. His distinctive playing style can be heard in this selection of tunes he recorded a few years ago. His playing was properly accompanied by the men dancing, the bells and stick clashes can be heard in the background!

Come and join in the fun

At every practice session this coming autumn we will be having a “GIVE IT A GO Evening”.  These evenings are specially designed for blokes who have no experience of dancing and would like to try their hand (or feet to be more precise!!) at a new challenge.  Please come along to any of our practices and we’ll introduce you to “The Morris”! 

We practice every Thursday evening from 8pm to 10pm from September to April.

You need to fulfill following criteria:

(Click Read more below to see the whole article ...)


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Come and join us!

We're always glad to welcome new members, regardless of whether or not you've done any Morris dancing before.

It may seem like a strange activity, but we're all normal people, and simply enjoy the friendship of fellow dancers, as well as doing an activity which is fun and surprisingly effective at keeping you fit!


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