
Accordion news!

The Scandalli accordion the late Mike Howley bequeathed to the side is doing well, as seen in the picture below. It was entrusted to Chris Toyne last Christmas, who can be seen playing it in Sherborne, Dorset. In Chris' words:

Our bequeathed accordion now in expert hands

The Men of Wight handed over an Accordion bequeathed to them by head musician Mike Howley at their Christmas dance out in Newport on 17th December


When Mike Howley, one of the Men of Wight's best Morris Musicians, passed away in May 2013 he bequeathed his Scandalli Vibrante IV accordion to the side. Mike was previously head of Isle of Wight Cultural Services before retiring, as well as a founder member of the Men of Wight back in 1969. He had also composed a number of Morris Tunes to which the Men of Wight continue to dance.

Men of Wight donation to local charity

It's always been a tradition of the Men of Wight to donate each year to local charities.  Amongst this year's chosen recipients, MoW were pleased to give a cheque to the IW branch of ASBAH, the Association for Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus.

Formed in 1966, the charity works with people with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus, their families and other carers.
