
Ceilidh - 8th June

Wootton Community Hall

As part of our Weekend of Dance, the Men of Wight will be organising a ceilidh on the evening of Saturday 8th June. This will be at Wootton Community Hall, which is just off Wootton High Street opposite Tesco Express.

The event is open to all, not just Morris dancers, so come along and fill the floor.

Doors will open at 8pm, continuing until 11pm. There is a bar, and we hope to put on a barrel. There will be no food, unfortunately.

Come and have a go, men and women welcome

Did you know that dancing is recommended as the best way of keeping fit?  Numerous health studies by the NHS and others, have found that dancing gives the benefits of physical exercise that is not too violent, plus the mental exercise of learning new moves improves the mind – and it’s a great social activity as well.  Morris dancing provides all of those benefits – exercise in small doses, a great mixture of it’s own moves and a great social scene.  The Men of Wight invite all comers (age 18 and over) to come and have a go on a Thursday evening.  (Don’t be fooled by the ‘Men’ bit in the nam

Beer and Buses 2018

On a lovely sunny Saturday 13th October we toured the west wight, and were watched by some large crowds particularly at Totland Bay and Hulverstone.  Our audiences were appreciative and joined in with one of our dances.  We are very grateful that Terry with his wonderful 18 seater coach for transporting us between the various pubs.  Well done all!
