
Tunes for musicians' practice

To help our musicians with learning or remembering tune, here is a selection of recordings to practice to.  These are generally NOT at performance speed but have been slowed by about 5% to make practice easier.  Some are live recordings from practice nights, some are studio recording and some are, sadly, musicians who are no longer with us.  I use Logic Pro to process and clean up these recordings and where the accordion is used I have rebalanced to emphasise the right hand.

I'll add more recordings as I process them

May Day 2023

Welcoming in the dawn

Once again we will see in the dawn around 5 am on 1st May, up at the Longstone on Mottistone Down, and would love for people to join us. There'll be Morris dancing, singing, and even a cask of ale 😎.

We'll be walking up from Mottistone Manor car park at 4:30, or there is a track up from the car park in Strawberry Lane, which is less steep.

If you're an early riser 😮 come and join this age-old tradition!

50th Anniversary Celebration

In 2020 we celebrated our 50th year, or at least we would have done if it had been a normal year! To mark the event we are having an only-slightly-delayed weekend of dance over the weekend of 16th – 18th September 2022 in recognition of all of the men and women who have participated in the Side in the last 50 years.

We would like to invite you to join us for all or part of the weekend. The options are as follows:

The 2021/22 Practice season

We had our AGM, we elected some new officers to run the side and had a good chat about Morris in general.  So now we are into our usual winter practice season.  We welcome new members at any time, just pop along to have a chat and see what is involved in becoming a Morris Dancer.  Winter practices are the time we teach the steps and sequences of the dances so anyone with even a passing interest in traditional dance is most welcome come along.

50 years and the Pandemic

The pandemic of the last year could not have come at a worse time for The Men of Wight Morris. The year 2020, was the 50th anniversary of our foundation and the team had big plans for a celebration in June. Much of the year had been spent on the planning of the 2020 programme of events, including our normal “summer” programme which normally comprises about 30 dates.
