
1970 to 2025 events

Over the last 54 years the Men of Wight have performed or practiced on nearly 3,500 occasions.  Our records for these years are amazingly complete with just a number of gaps back in the early 1970's.   For those with an interest in history here is the complete list (caution it is 110 page long!).

Havenstreet Steam Up 24/08/24

The day was a wet Saturday in August typical for summer fayres. The intrepid Men of Wight and their good Friends the Oyster Girls carried on regardless. Outside the bar with the beer festival in was a lovely canopy which we could dance under. We danced from 11am until 1pm with the lovely smell of burning coal from all the engines on site The public stopped and enjoyed our performances. Sydney the seahorse also put in an appearance. 

Overton Sheep Fair

Men of Wight were invited to perform at the 2024 Overton Sheep Fair in July.  The fair is only run every 4 years.  Overton is just North of Winchester so not far for us to travel.

The Overton Sheep Fair dates back to the 13th Century, when sheep drovers from across the district brought their livestock to be seen and sold in the village.  The 21st century fair requires a section of the main road though the town to be closed for the weekend, to enable an array of stalls and performance spaces to occupy the street.  

The number 8 tour

The side had a booking to perform at the Seaview village fete, so Malcolm thought why not make a day of it.  The result was a great tour using Southern Vectis buses - the number 8 route all the way.  Newport St Thomas' square, Sandown Pier, Seaview and Ryde sea front. The No 8 route must use every back road possible which makes for a very interesting journey!

Samantha Davis

So sad to hear of the passing of Samantha (Sam) Davis, wife of actor Warwick. We met with them at Godshill in 2014 for his TV travel show.  My memory is of Sam warning us that she was 'quite heavy' when we lifted her in one of our dances.
